Monday, October 11, 2010

Thing #7 Creating Community through Commenting on Blogs

I found it difficult to leave comments on the blogs I read.  I enjoy reading them but feel I don't have anything of value to contribute.  Since I knew I had to post a comment, I dug deep and tried to be as reflective as I could.  Reading the posts makes me more conscious of what I write in my own blog.  When I read The Somewhat Daily News by miltonsmommy I was intrigued about her perspective on phones as recording devices in the classroom.   Teachtech-23 Things said she was a lurker and didn't like to comment.  I agree and I guess I'm more of a lurker as well.  My husband is a lurker too.  He subscribes to and reads his Orangebloods daily but never comments.  In fact, his computer logged him out of the site the other day and he rarely logs in so he couldn't remember his username and password.  He had never recorded it anywhere. It took him about 30 minutes to figure out what it was and get a new password sent to him.  GOOF! He comments out loud to the posts but never, ever actually types in anything.

I also don't feel that I have enough interesting blogs to post that anyone would want to read them.  I feel they should be entertaining or impart knowledge.  Who knows.  We will see what tomorrow brings when it comes to comments.


  1. I feel the same way about comments. It was very difficult at first but I found that the more I did them the more I read the better I got at doing it and did not feel so "lurky." Give commenting some time and make sure it is something you are interested in!!!!

  2. Commenting for me is difficult. I want to make sure that I am respecting the person who is writing the blog.
